OAuth 2.0

The seven.io API can be used for authentication and authorization using the OAuth 2.0 protocol to allow users of your software to easily and directly integrate our service.


OAuth 2.0 allows your application to gain access rights to customer accounts in order to send API requests directly to us on their behalf.

To do this, you must first register your application with us. You can currently only obtain this from our support. Please enter your redirect URL (redirect_uri). You will receive client_id and client_secret as your access data to our OAuth 2.0 API.

All applications now run according to the following pattern when accessing our API with OAuth 2.0:

  • First, you must obtain authorization from the customer. To do this, you redirect the customer to a special page on our site, where the customer must log in and grant your application access.
  • After confirming or rejecting the authorization request, the customer is sent back to your application. If the customer grants authorization, your application will receive an authorization code.
  • With this authorization code, your application can retrieve the access token via our OAuth 2.0 API, which enables direct access to our APIs.

Access tokens have a limited lifetime of one hour by default. If your application requires access to our APIs beyond the lifetime of a single access token, it can retrieve new access tokens using the refresh token.


  1. 1

    Set up application

    You will receive the following access data for the OAuth 2.0 API from us:

    • Name

      Your access ID - as a rule, we set the name of your app here. In the example here, this is testclient.

    • Name

      Access password for the OAuth2.0 API. In the example here, this is testsecret.

    In addition, you must provide us with a redirect_uri to which we will redirect after authorization. In our example here, the URL is https://acme.inc/oauth_redirect

  2. 2

    Redirect customer to OAuth 2.0 authorization page

    Forward your customers to the following URL:


    • Name

      A randomly generated string and to prevent CSRF attacks. Please use a cryptographically secure string for this purpose.

    • Name

      The requested scope to which you would like to have access - in this case the sending of SMS and the retrieval of statistics. Multiple scopes can be passed separated by spaces.

  3. 3

    Customer is sent back to your application

    After the customer has granted (or denied) authorization, we automatically redirect them to your redirect_uri with some additional GET parameters.

    If successful:


    In case of error:


    You should always check here whether state corresponds to the value you created in the second step in order to avoid CSRF.

  4. 4

    Query access token

    Retrieve the access token and the refresh token via our OAuth 2.0 API.


Retrieve access token

If everything has worked up to this point, you can now use the GET parameter code from step 3. to retrieve an access token as follows:


curl -u testclient:testsecret https://oauth.seven.io/token \
  -d 'grant_type=authorization_code&code=9ccb478a7cbe043c1df211f1d52a6437f8756cf8'

If successful, you will receive data in JSON format as follows:


  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "scope": "sms",


Update access token

To update the access token, call the OAuth 2.0 API as follows:


curl -u testclient:testsecret https://oauth.seven.io/token \
  -d 'grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=ffd8e622aa5dccc2905f2ac6a0999c785a803157'

If successful, you will receive new token data in JSON format as follows:


  "access_token": "worw5xlrl0sjwqkvmstibwn4pw0mdvpddljzkfi8",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "scope": "sms",
  "refresh_token": "n94c2kyej8ycsjutmviuk8i6zebgsda0uzg2gbpn"

Access to our APIs

Call our APIs according to the respective documentation and send the access token in the Authorization Header without further encoding (no base64 or similar).

curl https://gateway.seven.io/api/sms -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

You can also test the successful connection via OAuth 2.0 using the following call:


curl https://oauth.seven.io/me -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'


    "success": true,
    "user_id": 12345,
    "email": "john.doe@acme.inc",
    "company": "Acme Inc.",
    "alias": "acme_inc",
    "balance": "627.3615"


The following scopes of application can be requested by the customer:

analyticsQuery statistics
balanceQuery credit balance
contactsQuery and edit contacts
hooksAllows you to change and view webhooks
journalQuery your logbook
lookupExecute requests via lookup (HLR, MNP etc.)
pricingquery account prices
rcsSending RCS messages
smsSending SMS messages
statusQuery SMS status report
subaccountsEdit and view subaccounts
validate_for_voiceVerify phone numbers as sender for voice
voiceSend voice messages

Multiple scopes can be specified using an url-encoded space. If the scope is not specified or is empty, the standard scope is applied.

PHP code example

Here is a simple example in PHP. In the first code, the OAuth URL is generated and the customer is forwarded to it:

Redirect customer to OAuth2.0 page


// Application credentials
$client_id = 'testclient';
$client_secret = 'testsecret';


// Request authorization for sms, analytics and lookup endpoints. // Leave empty to allow all scopes
$requested_scopes = [

// Generate random string for state
$state = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(10));

// Store state in session
$_SESSION['state'] = $state;

// Build authorization URI
$auth_uri = 'https://oauth.seven.io/authorize?' .
    'response_type' => 'code',
    'client_id' => $client_id,
    'state' => $state,
    'scope' => implode(' ', $requested_scopes),

// Redirect User to OAuth authorization site
header('Location: ' . $auth_uri);

The second code is the page that runs under your redirect_uri. Here the authorization is checked and the tokens are retrieved:

Checking authorization and retrieving tokens


// Application credentials $client_id = 'testclient'; 
$client_secret = 'testsecret'; 


// CSRF check failed
if($_GET['state'] != $_SESSION['state']) {
  die('CSRF check failed');

// An error occured during authorization
elseif(isset($_GET['error'])) {
  die('Error: ' . $_GET['error']);

// We got a code, send it to OAuth 2.0 API to get the tokens...
elseif(isset($_GET['code'])) {
  $post_vars = http_build_query([
    'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
    'code' => $_GET['code'],

  $ch = curl_init();
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $client_id . ":" . $client_secret);

  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://oauth.seven.io/token');
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_vars);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

  $response = curl_exec($ch);


  $token = json_decode($response);

  // You should store the tokens here in order to make API calls
  die("Access Token: " . $token->access_token);
Last updated: 1 month ago